First loan was issued under the program "Individual housing" of State Mortgage Company (GIK)

24 September 2016

As part of the implementation of the Programme of the Kyrgyz Republic Government "Affordable Housing 2015-2020", on the 23rd of September 2016, in Kant branch of Commercial Bank KYRGYZSTAN it took issuance of the 1st loan under the program "Individual housing".
Musabek uulu Erzhan became borrower, he is an education worker.

This mechanism is designed for people who do not have housing, but there is a land in their ownership.

Credit will be issued for housing construction "from scratch" or on the completion of the unfinished home to 3 million soms for 15 years, there will be 4 tranches, in particular, for laying the foundation of the construction, for building the walls of housing, for installation of roof and flooring, and for finishing works. 

Кредит будет выдаваться на строительство жилья “с нуля” либо на завершение строительства незаконченного дома до 3 млн. сомов на 15 лет, 4-мя траншами, в частности, для укладки фундамента, для возведения стен жилья, для монтажа кровли и настила пола, и для выполнения отделочных работ.

A full list of documents for submission of the application is available on the website of the State Mortgage Company (GIK) in the "Borrowers".

GIK Address: Bishkek, Chui Avenue, 106, tel.. GIK hotline 0312 62-14- 34

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