"Commercial Bank KYRGYZSTAN" launches the first issue and acquiring of contactless cards MasterCard PayPass

15 October 2015
In September "Commercial Bank KYRGYZSTAN" has joined the international payment system MasterCard. And at the end of November the Bank was the first in the region would begin to issue contactless cards MasterCard PayPass, as well as accept them for payment.

In the line of MasterCard PayPass Bank cards are Maestro, MasterCard Standard, MasterCard Gold.

MasterCard PayPass is a MasterCard with the innovative technology of PayPass contactless payments, allowing the purchase of goods (payment of works, services) in trade and service enterprises in one touch. It is enough to put a MasterCard PayPass the contactless reader at the cash register or terminal, and your purchase will be paid.

It can be used wherever the MasterCard PayPass logo.

The PayPass technology is used in more than 311 000 outlets in 36 countries around the world, and their number is increasing every day.

So in the near future with the MasterCard PayPass from "Commercial Bank KYRGYZSTAN" you will be able to join a wide network of modern payment cards worldwide. And pay anything – even more convenient, faster, easier.

At the moment, the ATMs and POS-terminals of "Commercial Bank KYRGYZSTAN" is technically already accept MasterCard cards of any Bank (so far, however, only the chip contact).

By the end of November Bank's POS terminals will be configured to accept contactless cards MasterCard PayPass.



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