What's new in Mobile banking?

24 August 2015

Dear Clients!

We have good news!

We have expanded the functionality of Mobile banking (MB) and added the ability to access both via USSD, application or through the web portal https://ibank.cbk.kg/
Now you can enjoy mobile banking via any web browser from a computer, tablet, laptop, and it's completely free!

What options are open to you?
For existing convenient services in MB you get:

  1. Creation of payment templates! Now when paying for any services - utilities, Internet, mobile communications and other. You do not need to enter each time payment props, create templates, and you no longer have to spend time and remember a long string of numbers.
  2. You can take a self-discharge on all their accounts for any period of time - a week, month, year, period, choose and download a detailed statement in the format excel.
  3.  If you have multiple bank accounts, but you do not want to see in the application of any of them, going on the web, you can do by "inactive" and then it will not appear in your application CBKmBank.


How do I get access to the web portal, if you are already connected to the mobile banking services?

In order to gain access to the web portal, you can go to any branch of our bank with your passport and sign an application form for access to and you will receive an 8-digit access code. That you will need to enter here https://ibank.cbk.kg/ in the field "Password"

A username will be your number is registered in the format of 996 MB ...

If you are not yet connected to the MB, then when you contact the bank for the service once you activate all three channels of access - USSD, an application for IOS and Android, web portal.

If you have questions or difficulties we are always happy to help!

Call centre + 996 312 61 33 33 - around the clock

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