Mini-football tournament "Bank KYRGYZSTAN" cup

28 May 2021
On May 22, we held a mini-football tournament “Bank KYRGYZSTAN” Cup for organizations that are served in our Bank.
We are the official bank of the national football team of the Kyrgyz Republic.
And within the framework of cooperation with the Kyrgyz Football Union, we wanted to arrange a football holiday for our clients, who receive wages on our cards.
The tournament was aimed at:
  • Propaganda and popularization of football
  • Leisure activities for football fans
  • Establishing friendly relations.
In the city of Osh, we gathered participants from Jalal-Abad and Osh regions.
For the winners of the mini-football tournament, the "Bank KYRGYZSTAN" cup, a monetary reward is provided:
  • 1st place 100 000 soms - the organization "TCHES" which is served in the Kara-Kul branch
  • 2nd place 70 000 soms - organization "Military unit №92840", which is served in the "Osh Main Directorate" branch
  • 3rd place 50 000 soms - organization "KAHES", which is served in the branch of Kara-Kul
Congratulations to all the winners and thank to participants for a bright game.

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