Charity auction and presentation of Visa Infinite premium card from KYRGYZSTAN Bank

25 September 2019

On September 20, 2019, the presentation of the Visa Infinite premium card from the Commercial Bank KYRGYZSTAN took place, within the framework of which a charity auction was organized to help children with cancer.

The Visa Infinite bank card itself offers its holders a lot of advantages from the most privileged services around the world, to the return of % for purchases. It is this premium card and became the main lot of the charity auction. Guests of the evening were invited to purchase the very first Visa Infinite card with a unique number and even more elevated privileges.

By all the rules of the auction, the bid that no one interrupts wins. However, the participants competed not only for the sake of winning, but because of the desire to support the charges of the Public Foundation "Helping easy". By all the rules of the auction, the bid that no one interrupts wins. As a result of bidding, the final bid was 67 thousand soms. However, the winner of the auction rounded up the amount to 100 thousand, and the Commercial Bank KYRGYZSTAN doubled the amount on its behalf. Thus, the representative of the fund was given a check for 200 thousand soms.

We really wanted the presentation of the Visa Infinite bank card not only to be an occasion to gather all the regular customers of our Bank, but also wanted to show by our example that helping is really easy!

A report about the auction can be viewed here



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