Attention to customers! Please make international payments via SWIFT untill 29/12/16

12 December 2016

Dear Partners and Clients!

In connection with the closing of the fiscal year, we ask you to make all international payments via SWIFT with your partners, until 29 December 2016:

  • December 28 - the last day for payments in foreign currency of outgoing / incoming payments (GBP, CNY, JPY, CHF).
  • December 29 - the last day for payments in foreign currency of outgoing / incoming payments (RUB / EUR / USD / KZT).

In the case of receipt of payments in foreign currency in the pre-holiday December 30, 2016, money transfer will be held at the first working day (after the holiday) of  correspondent bank.

Contact-Center of our Bank:
0 (312) 61 3333
0 (556) 61 3333
0 (770) 3333 69
0 (701) 3333 69

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