Mode of operation offices in pre-holiday and holiday days!

6 November 2015
Dear customers!

We inform you about the mode of operation of Bank branches public holidays - from 7 to 9 November 2015.

- November 6 - the day before public holidays, the operating hours all offices shortened by 1 hour.

7 November - day off, but there is 1 Bank branch operating - savings Bank in the shopping center "Bishkek Park" (Bishkek, Kievskaya St. 148/1)

- 8 November - there are 2 Bank branches operating:

  • Branch "Min Turkun" ( Bishkek, Prospekt Chui 127 "1000 trifles) from 10:30pm to 16:30pm
  • The savings Bank in the shopping center "Bishkek Park" (Bishkek, Kievskaya St. 148/1) from 10:00 to 19:30 PM

9 November - has a number of branches on a Saturday schedule

For more accurate information regarding the location of the offices and the mode of operation you can contact our round-the-clock Contact center on: 0 312 61 33 33

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