Our Bank has made its small contribution to the development of creative youth

24 February 2015
March 1, at the Kyrgyz National Philharmonic. T. Satylganov will be the soloist of the Moscow Philharmonic Ekaterina Mechetina, she's one of the brightest stars in the contemporary world of performing arts.

Our Bank has made a small contribution and have purchased concert tickets for a number of music schools of Kyrgyzstan:
Republican secondary special music boarding school named after M. Abdraev (Bishkek)
- Children's music school of A. I. Dzhumahmatova (Kant)
- Children's music school district of Jaiyl rayon in Suusamyr valley (Kara-Balta)

Now children together with the teachers can attend the concert, besides Ekaterina Mechetina will give several master classes to students of music schools.

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