Pay contract for training through MBank Online

24 August 2020

Pay contract for training through MBank Online is easy and simple!

How to pay for a contract using the MBank Online application?

  1. Go to the "Pay" - "Regular payment"
  2. Next "Education"
  3. Choose your educational institution
  4. Fill in all required fields and click 'Continue'
  5. Check the data and confirm the payment, the receipt can be saved or sent to any messenger, mail

You can pay tuition contracts at:

  • Bishkek Humanitarian University named after K.Karasaev
  • "International University of Kyrgyzstan"
  • Osh Humanitarian Pedagogical Institute named after A.Zh. Myrsabekov
  • Osh Technological University named after M. Adyshev
  • Kyrgyz National Agrarian University named after K.I. Scriabin
  • Kyrgyz State University named after I. Arabaev
  • Jalal-Abad Medical College
  • KSUM named after U. Asanaliev
  • Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov
  • Institute for Social Development and Entrepreneurship
  • International university named after K.Sh. Toktomamatov
  • Medical and Social Research Institute
  • Scientific Society of Students "Bishkek College"
  • Bishkek Technical College
  • International Academy of management, law, finance and business 
  • KEU named Ryskulbekova
  • Kyrgyz Aviation Institute I. Abdraimov

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